2497 Selection Start can be -1.0 or greater than or equal to 0.0
2498 Selection end value must be greater than selection start
2499 An unknown error has occurred.
2500 Media Player cannot open '%1'. Please verify that the path and filename are correct and try again.
2510 Rate cannot be 0.0
2511 Closed
2513 Loading multicast
2514 Locating server
2515 Connecting to server
2516 Opening
2518 Software\debug\msdxm.ocx
2519 Failed to set the property on this stream.
2520 Failed to Initialize the filter graph.
2521 CurrentPosition must be -1.0 or greater than or equal to 0.0
2522 PlayCount must >= 0
2523 Failed to get the property on this stream.
2524 The connection to the server has been lost.
2525 Filter
2526 Installed
2527 Codec
2528 More information
2529 This property cannot be set at runtime.
2530 It is not permitted to set this property.
2531 Illegal value for ControlType.
2532 Could not Cancel the Open because File is already Open or no file has been specified
2533 You left the name of a view blank.\n\nPlease type in a name to continue.
2534 The underlined character (specified by a preceding & symbol) is already in use.\n\nPlease choose a different character to underline.
2535 The name of a view cannot end with a single & symbol.\nThis symbol precedes the character you wish to underline.\n\nPlease choose a character to underline.
2552 This is not a valid cursor type identifier
2553 CurrentMarker cannot be less than 0
2554 A decompressor was downloaded for this file, but it didn't work. You may need to restart your player or browser.
2555 Unable to download an appropriate decompressor.
2556 None
2567 Standard
2568 Invalid value set for MovieWindowSize
2569 Your security settings do not allow the new decompressor to be installed. To fix, set your browser's security settings for the Internet zone to Medium or lower.
2570 Failed to open or play a playlist item.
2571 An error occurred while playing the file.
2572 Data received with unknown stream format %1!d!.